#TheDebate - July 12, 2022
We are divided on many issues. This situation has been created on purpose to keep us weak and disorganized. One of the great dividing lines is the two camps created by the ‘vaccine’. One group is completely satisfied with the information that they receive from the government and mainstream media and are happy to comply while the other gets their information from other sources and feels like the truth has yet to be exposed about this medical intervention. These 2 groups remain largely invisible to the other.
Here, in Canada, we have an information source that receives 1.3 billion dollars annually of taxpayers’ money. This media outlet is called the CBC. Because all of us own this corporation, we should expect to see both sides represented in whatever is the current issue. The current issue is anything to do with covid, and it is apparent to many of us, that the truth is being hidden.
It is time to challenge this.
Our demand is simple. We want an open, nationally televised debate. The topic, “The ‘vaccine’ is safe and effective”. You put together your team, we put together ours. We set up parameters to make sure the event is reported fairly and truthfully over all media outlets.
It is likely that the CBC would not be interested in such a proposal.
We will not take “no” for an answer.
How would we respond to a “no”?
I will partly leave this up to your imagination. But as one voice, I can imagine a national campaign to bring this into the consciousness of the many across the country. We know where the CBC offices are, we know who the main mouthpieces are.
If this energy resonates with you, drop me a line. We’ll talk.
You can DM me on twitter.
Or, you can email me at change@imaginexus.org.
Remember, the trucker convoy started with a singular idea that grew and has spread to the rest of the world.
If you are called, help make this happen.
I believe that this initiative has the potential to take down the entire edifice on which this travesty is built.
There are other topics up for debate as well but we start with this one and maintain our focus.