The Revolution - May 24, 2022
The Revolution
If I were in charge of announcing the date of the intervention, I wouldn’t go in yet.
Here’s why.
194 countries, 99.5% of the earth’s human population, are about to hand over their sovereignty to the WHO (World Health Organization), a criminal organization, headed by a veterinarian.
Another plandemic is being planned and will come soon, probably in the fall. They have told us so.
The management of this pandemic will be overseen by the WHO. They will want mandatory vaccines for every single person everywhere. Not just one, but on an ongoing basis for the foreseeable future. Every country will shirk their responsibilities and will simply reply that we all need to follow the WHO directives.
Those who disobey will be punished. In Canada, there are internment camps already built. I know that there are at least 2 in Ontario.
In Australia, there is a bill going through their government channels to fine people $75,000 and put them in jail for 2 years for not following “health” orders.
In Canada, more than 50% of the population has had 2 vaccines only and will likely stop there, suspecting already that something is wrong. They will soon be classified as unvaccinated. If you are in Ontario, this is already the case. If an edict comes (and it will) that everyone has to begin or continue their vaccination journey because it’s an emergency, you will see a mass awakening and a mass uprising.
This moment is coming soon.
This will be the time to bring in the troops and the witnesses.
Stay focused. Stay prepared.
We are all here at this moment for a reason.