and finally, the proposal...
We have a problem. Many now recognize that we are living in a world that has become unsustainable. We need to change…everything. Our own future and the future of our children depends on it. But how do we begin this process?
A solution is Nexus. Nexus is an opportunity to re-vision our world. It is also a strategy to get us to this new paradigm.
At the heart of this narrative that is failing us are the abuses that come from our concepts of money and power. When we address these two concepts directly, change in other aspects of our life will be possible.
This is a top-down solution. It is deliberately so. Without the participation of all members of the human family, all countries, we will not succeed in a timely way. Our problems are interconnected and global, our solutions have to be as well. Detractors denounce piecemeal plans (and rightly so) by pointing out that if one country creates a business environment that is seen as less than favourable, investors will go somewhere else. Imagine if there were nowhere else to go based on global solidarity!
The goal of Nexus is to build from a platform that is significantly radical in its departure, to serve notice that the concept of global governance is both imaginable and achievable. From this foundation we will re-define all other aspects of our interconnected lives.
Nexus can begin the process of disentangling ourselves from the authority that our concepts of finance and economic theories have over us. We boldly state that these are artificial constructs and are not at the heart of who we are.
Here is the proposal:
Nexus Global
Every country will create a political party at the national level that will have as its foundation three non-negotiable pillars.
Pillar Number One
There will be an annual transfer of funds between countries based on a formula that recognizes inequalities, with the goal to address and reduce these inequalities over a period of time.
How do we do this?
Annually, all countries in the world would be ranked by a common measure of wealth.
“There are two standard methods of defining the richest countries in the world. One takes into account the economies that are the largest, as measured by total gross domestic product (GDP). However, the most commonly accepted definition of the wealthiest countries is to determine how rich the average resident of a country is. For this reason, the best method is to use GDP data per capita.
"Moreover, using a PPP (purchasing power parity) basis is arguably more useful when comparing generalized differences in living standards on the whole between nations. This is because PPP takes into account the relative cost of living and the inflation rates of the countries, rather than using just exchange rates, which may distort the real differences in income. This is the measure most economists prefer when looking at per-capita wealth and when comparing economic strength between countries and living conditions or use of resources across countries.” Global Finance
Using this standard, the richest country in the world is Qatar, followed by Luxembourg and Singapore. Even though the U.S. has the largest GDP in the world, it is ranked 9th by this measure. China which has the second largest GDP, is ranked 83rd. (2016)
Countries ranked 1 - 10, would contribute 1% of their national GDP to a fund. (FCG, Fund for the Common Good)
Countries ranked 11 - 20, would contribute .9% of their national GDP to the fund.
Countries ranked 21 - 30, would contribute .8% of their national GDP to the fund.
Countries ranked 31 - 40, would contribute .7% of their national GDP to the fund.
Countries ranked 41 - 50, would contribute .6% of their national GDP to the fund.
Countries ranked 51 - 60, would contribute .5% of their national GDP to the fund.
Countries ranked 61 - 70, would contribute .4% of their national GDP to the fund.
Countries ranked 71 - 80, would contribute .3% of their national GDP to the fund.
Countries ranked 81 - 90, would contribute .2% of their national GDP to the fund.
Countries ranked 91 - 100, would contribute .1% of their national GDP to the fund.
Currently there are 185 countries on this list.
So, how would these funds be re-distributed? Obviously, the goal is not to replicate the lifestyles and consumption levels demonstrated by our so-called industrialized countries. This is an opportunity to completely re-imagine a world that is sustainable, that seeks at the outset to allow our natural environment to heal, and then for all to consciously live in harmony with that environment.
These funds will be distributed so that all countries will be able to work towards the creation of infrastructure that supports the needs of its people in all aspects of life, including health, food, clean water, access to affordable housing, and an inspiring education.
This moment in time will allow us all to re-conceive of our notions of work, of transportation, of energy, of extraction, of population, of education, just to name a few.
This moment in time will also allow us to contemplate the concept of a guaranteed basic income for every person on earth. Much has been written and continues to be written about this idea. There are many ways to come up with a figure to work from.
Begin with the concept of a “living wage”. “The living wage is defined as a regional calculation that looks at the amount that a family of four needs to earn to meet their expenses. The living wage includes costs like rent and groceries as well as items like extended health care and two weeks' savings for each adult.”
Every region on the planet would come up with this figure of a living wage. The guaranteed basic income would be a portion of this figure. One of the benefits of such a strategy would be to support those who are transitioning to different work based on a world of new priorities and sensibilities.
Pillar Number Two
Each country will address the gap between the most highly remunerated workers and the lowest. All industrialized countries will limit this gap to ten times.
In Nexus, we believe all persons are created equally with strengths and gifts that are distinctive. One of the strongest markers of personal value in a society is the salary attached to a person’s work. It is not the goal of Nexus that everyone would receive the same wage or that everyone would be treated identically. Each one of us is unique. However, in an attempt to control the unconscionable discrepancy in earnings between the poorest and the richest of any country, certain controls would be imposed. Once a country had established a figure which would allow a minimum standard of living, a factor would be chosen which would restrict the income of the richest. For example, in a rich country, the minimum salary might be $25,000. If 10 is the factor chosen, no one in that country could make more than $250,000. Salaries that exceeded the chosen limits would be added to the world’s Fund for the Common Good. (FCG)
In a poor country, the factor 10 might be too challenging a hurdle at the beginning. For example, in many countries, a $5000 annual income would be sufficient to achieve a minimum standard of living. A maximum cap of $50,000 might be too much to expect in the early transformation days. A more realistic initial position might be to suggest 10 to 1 for rich countries and, on a sliding scale, up to 20 to 1 in the poorest countries.
Pillar Number Three
The elimination of war.
In Nexus, our first requirement is that war be eliminated, be made illegal, impossible. In our ancient past, there were periods of peace which lasted thousands of years. Once we lived peacefully, we can do it again. Disagreements, no matter how divisive, will not be allowed to get to a level where violence is unavoidable. Because war will be eliminated, there will eventually be no need for weapons manufacturing. This industry will slowly convert its production to meet the needs of a peaceful world.
A world without war will not happen overnight. Nexus will maintain a sizeable military presence all over the world to ensure all sides lay down their arms. The size of their ranks will be appropriately reduced as the world adjusts to this new position.
In recognition of our solidarity to re-imagine a new world, each party will be called Nexus followed by the name of the specific country.
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