We Build - Journal#2 - March 28, 2022
Through email and video platforms, many people have gone to great lengths to express their position, their longing, their hopes, their dreams, their aspirations.
This is my first response to our group. I am one of many.
Greetings to you all,
We are 22. That seems like a significant number in this year 2022.
We are a collection of people that have come together with the belief that we, as a society, are better than this. We believe that we can engage in a dialogue that is respectful, constructive and energizing. We believe that we can change Canada, and possibly that we can change the world.
We all hold many different perspectives, as it should be. We all begin this journey from slightly different places. I hope that we can all find our place. It doesn’t mean that we will all have the same focus. Many strands are possible.
Many have already expressed their place in this transformation in detail.
I will share mine now.
Things are bad.
And they are going to get worse.
We are being dragged into a Global plan that does not benefit the vast majority of us.
We were never asked about this. We did not vote for this.
Sometimes it is called The Great Reset. Sometimes the New World Order.
It is written down in plain sight.
The plan was conceived in 1971 with the creation of the World Economic Forum, the same year the gold standard was dropped.
Depopulation is at the heart of the plan.
In a matter of months, our banks will move to digitize our currency.
With the trucker convoy, we saw how easily our collective assets can be seized. This is the moment when you will lose complete control of your personal finances.
The digital ID will be introduced and you will enter a world called the social credit system. All of your freedoms will be taken away.
They will crash the economy.
You will be provided with a Basic Income that will only barely keep you alive.
You will only receive this if you are pleasing to the masters.
There is more, much more, but that is enough for now.
We need to figure out now, while there is still time, how we got here and how we are going to get out of this.
Basically, the entire societal structure is a mess. And we will deal with that in time.
But because we are on a timeline, we will prioritize the most important actions to take and acknowledge the other aspects to be dealt with at a later date.
Priority #1
We are living under a rogue government that has broken our trust. I am talking about all governments at all levels. They have committed themselves to a plan that harms us. They cannot be allowed to govern any longer. They no longer represent us. We need to begin the process of determining how we will replace them in the short and long term. This is absolutely doable.
Priority #2
Some believe “Fix the money, fix the world”.
Our current system of money is fatally flawed. Further, the entire banking institution is corrupt. We need to stop using it. We need to do something else. We need to begin the discussion as to what system we will adopt to replace it.
Fixing these 2 aspects of our life will give us enough breathing room to talk about the other components of a healthy society.
Health care, media, food, education, travel, work…
Most of us are not ready yet to grasp the immensity of what is needed in order to conquer the evil that surrounds us. But we will get there shortly. We will soon realize that doing nothing will result in a world that not one of us would want to be a part of.
What kind of energy will be required to usher in these changes?
The truckers have shown us the way. This time however, there will be no need to drive across the country.
When we are ready with our simple list of demands, we will shut this country down. We will bring trucks, and cars, and bicycles, and tricycles and scooters and we will surround and neutralize all provincial and federal legislatures.
And we will stay until the transition is complete.
But first, we have some work to do.
We will bring all of the Canadians who want to participate in the “creating” process. Some will be unknown, some will be well known.
We will sit in kitchens, in restaurants, in bars, in coffee shops and begin the process of reimagining this country, from the foundation up.
We will do this because we love ourselves, or someone else, or a child or a grandchild.
We will do this with love in our hearts.
We will get rid of this ridiculous old world and replace it with something that truly represents us.
We will discuss what it means to be free.
I know that many of you have a different goal in this process.
Let us move forward with the belief that all of our journeys can be accommodated.
I would like to suggest that much of what we do happens on a video platform. Perhaps, you don’t.
This is the moment when we come together to decide how we will move forward.
How do you feel about meeting on video platforms, like zoom?
If that is not comfortable, what would you suggest?
If you are OK with #1, when are your best available times (with time zones, please)
We build. One brick at a time.